Move Out
This is a quick reference please contact the office or refer to the lease for more in depth policies and procedures regarding move out.
We will be emailing you with a move out time for the day your lease expires. Everything must be vacated from the property and all trash disposed of inside and outside of the property. All trash will need to be disposed of and cleaned out of the property. Please notify our office if you plan to move out- 2 months prior to your lease expiration. We need some time to list and rent your property out.
We will be notifying you if you want to renew your lease- 2 months prior to lease expiration.
If you plan to renew your lease we will contact you with more information.
Please make sure to have last month’s rent paid, and any open balances paid. Our office will contact if you if any open balance remains, and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding your payments.
At move in you were given a set amount of keys. Please return each key given. Please see security deposit agreement for information if you lost or have not returned a key to our office.
Parking Permit Stickers do not have to be returned.
Notify all utility companies that you need your service disconnected at your address no earlier or later than the last day of your lease. Be sure to give them your new address to send your final bills to. In case you decide to move-out earlier please note that the utilities need to be on until the last day of your lease.
The security deposit refund check (including accumulated interest) will be mailed to your new address within 45 days from your move-out date or you may pick it up at our office. Please make sure to reference your lease and notify the office if the mailing address has changed. It is important that you have made sure that your mail is forwarded by the end lease term.